Change Logs

1.4.0 2023-07-15

  1. Support Sqlite Now, two way use:
    1. oor/sqlite depend on sqlite3 ,use for nodejs apps.
    2. oor/sqljs depend on sql.js (need a wasm file), use for Browser, Worker, Electron。
  2. Update setup Function return type to Promise .
  3. Update the exec function name in View/Table. Name is different for individual souce. see reference
  4. Performance optimization.

1.3.0 2022-12-20

  1. Support MySql Now!
  2. Type Date can write as String / Number / Date.
  3. Performance optimization.

1.2.0 2022-12-15

  1. Support Elastic Search Now!
  2. Support New MagicSuffix : In , NotIn!

1.1.0 2022-12-06

  1. Full Support Base API for Postgresql.
  2. Publish this doc :
  3. Support Plugin for fastify See
  4. Support pg-native

1.0.0 2022-12-02

  1. Just publish.