
1. Global


import { setup } from 'oor';
import { logger } from './custom_loggers'
// Global Defintion
    provider: () => ClientBase | Pool,
    pageSize: 10,
    showSQL: logger.debug;
    strict: true,


item type detail default
provider () => ClientBase | Pool DataSource, Connection pool is suggested Required
pageSize number Default number of data items per page 10
showSQL (sql:string,param:any)=>void For debug, print sql and params null / console.debug
strict boolean, Support specify single query : select ,entity : add/update
true : Code will thorw Errors
false : Code will ignore and log Errors

2. Table


const User = new Table('public.user', UserSchema, {
    key: 'id',                  // Primary key
    sortOrder: 'lastModify',    // default sort method
    sortBy: 'desc';             // default sort filed
    pageSize: 10,               // Number of data items per page,Defult use Global
    globalCondition: [          // Global Filter use in this Table 
        { field: 'id', condition: '!=', 'value': 1 }


item type detail detault
key string Primary key of table "id"
sort Sort default order by
pageSize number Number of data items per page 10
globalCondition WhereItem[] Global Filter use in this Table

3. Field


const UserSchema = UType.Table({
    // Field Defined is Base on typebox
    // The Schema can be used by typebox/value, fastify etc.
    // See Detail :
    id: UType.Integer(),
    // Use `UType` instead of `Type`, Only Provide 5 types :
    // String, Number, Interger, Boolean, Boolean
    // UType.Table is equeal to Parital<TObject>
    name: UType.String({ maxLength: 32 }),
    sex: UType.Boolean(),
    // Define `ignore: true`, can avoid this column in SELECT {X}
    profile: UType.String({ ignore: true }),
    // Define `column : string` When filedName not equeal to Table Column Name.
    phoneNo: UType.String({ column: 'phone_no' }),
    // If this table use logical delete, use `delMark`
    // define `delMark: {value}`, can effect:
    //     1. `delete` will convert to `update` : set `columnName` = {value} 
    //     2. `query/update` will appen WHERE condition etc. `WHERE status != 999`
    // delMark not support Date / Boolean
    // One Table, One/Zero delMark
    status:  UType.Integer({ delMark: 999 }),
    // If a date's value fixed at create time:
    // Define `isCreate: true` , only in type : `Date`
    registerDate: UType.Date({ column: 'register_date', isCreate: true }),
    // If a date's value update each update:
    // Define `isModify: true` , only in type : `Date`
    lastModify: UType.Date({ column: 'last_modify', isModify: true })


item type detail default
ignore All Avoid this column in SELECT false
column ALL Real data table column name Same as field name.
delMark String, Number Use logical delete, mark this field fix value as DELETED
isCreate Date Date's value fixed at create time if true false
isModify Date Date's value update to time each update if true false